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galician restaurant で Yokohama Shi Nishi Ku
About 38 results.
花咲 Butchers Store
中区花咲町2-69-6, 231-0063 Yokohama, 日本アルゼンチンのアサード文化からインスパイアを受けた、自家製の熟成肉を特注の炭焼き台で豪快に焼き上げるお店
Gorkha Palace ゴルカパレス
大滝町1-21ジュネス横須賀1f, 238-0008 Yokosuka-shi, 日本We not only serve mouth-wateringly tasty and spicy food ,but also mix in some Herbs imported from The Himalayas of Nepal to make your diet more healthy.